New Work | Gil Hochberg's "An anti-colonial Zionist? Remembering Albert Memmi"


Looking for something to read this weekend? CPS Collective member Gil Hochberg has a new short piece on out in Mondoweiss on Albert Memmi.

Gil Hochberg is Ransford Professor of Hebrew, Comparative Literature, and Middle East Studies and Chair of MESAAS at Columbia University. Her first book, In Spite of Partition: Jews, Arabs, and the Limits of Separatist Imagination (Princeton University Press, 2007), examines the complex relationship between the signifiers “Arab” and “Jew” in contemporary Jewish and Arab literatures. Her most recent book, Visual Occupations: Vision and Visibility in a Conflict Zone (Duke University Press, 2015), is a study of the visual politics of the Israeli-Palestinian. Her forthcoming book is entitled Becoming Palestine: Towards an Archival Imagination of the Future.