Symposium featuring Asli Bali (UCLA); Rochelle Davis (Georgetown); Noura Erakat (Georgetown);Bassam Haddad (George Mason); Bayann Hamid (MERIP); Arang Keshavarzian (NYU); Zachary Lockman (NYU); Khalid Medani (McGill); Pete Moore (Case Western); Norma Claire Moruzzi(UIC); Paul Silverstein (Reed College); Ted Swedenburg (Arkansas); Helga Tawil-Souri (NYU); and Chris Toensing (MERIP)
This event is sponsored by the NYU Kevorkian Center and the Center for Global Islamic Studies and the Middle East Studies Program at George Mason University and the Middle East Research and Information Project (
11 February 2011, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Hagop Kevorkian Center, 50 Washington Square South (enter at 255 Sullivan Street)