Books and Edited Volumes
- The Geneological Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (Chicago: Chicago UP, 2012)
- Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society (University of Chicago Press, 2002)
Recent Articles
- "Racial Palestinianization and the Janus-Faced Nature of the Israeli State" Patterns of Prejudice 44:1 (2010), 27-41
- ‘Edward Said and the Political Present,’ American Ethnologist 32:4 (2005), 538-555
- ‘Producing (Arti)Facts: Archaeology and Power during the British Mandate of Palestine’, Israel Studies 7:2 (Summer 2002), 33-61.
- ‘Translating Truths: Nationalism, Archaeological Practice and the Remaking of Past and Present in Contemporary Jerusalem,’ American Ethnologist 25:2 (1998), 166-188.