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Late Style or A Double Fugue: Beethoven and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
7:00 PM19:00

Late Style or A Double Fugue: Beethoven and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra

Join us for a workshop concert of Late Style or A Double Fugue, a staged adaptation of Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society (Vintage Press, 2002), on Saturday, April 29th at 7pm.

Teatro of the Italian Academy
1161 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Late Style or A Double Fugue: Beethoven and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Late Style invites us into the extraordinary friendship between a Palestinian-American scholar and an Israeli conductor and the global orchestra they imagined into being. Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim created the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra to bring together Arab and Israeli musicians. It became an unsettling, humbling, and joyful experiment in understanding the “other.” This performance piece is an adaptation of Parallels and Paradoxes: Explorations in Music and Society (Vintage Press, 2002), a book of conversations between Said and Barenboim on aesthetics and politics. When staged, Late Style is half text and half music—mostly by Beethoven, and the highly-acclaimed Syrian composer Kinan Azmeh.

Late Style follows the form of Beethoven’s late String Quartet in B-flat Major, Op.130 (1825). It has six movements ending with a performance of the Grosse Fuge. Beethoven’s late work is known for its radicality, as “music for a later age.”

Late Style is timely: it speaks about music and late Beethoven, Israel and Palestine, immigration, belonging, the rise of totalitarianism, and the necessity of the arts to find political solutions. Late Style—with all of its music—is beautiful and expresses radical hope in a world that cannot afford to lose it.

The music is performed live by a quartet from the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra.

Late Style Performers and Team
Omar Metwally: Edward Said
Andrew Polk: Daniel Barenboim
Michael Laurence: Understudy

The Divan Quartet
Bassam Nashawati: Violin
Nurit Pacht: Violin
Sindy Mohamed: Viola
Lia Chen Perlov: Cello
Amer Hasan: Clarinet

Kinan Azmeh: Composer
Rony Rogoff: Music Director
Tanya Jayani Fernando: Writer and Director
Ken Cerniglia: Dramaturg
Susan Jahoda: Video Artist
Saba Husain: Directorial Assistant

This performance of Late Style is the culmination of a week-long workshop, organized and sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University. The program is partially supported by grants from the Opportunity Fund, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, the Puffin Foundation and the Barenboim-Said Foundation (USA). The performance is cosponsored by Columbia University’s Italian Academy, the Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, the Department of English, and the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society. It is part of The Edward W. Said Memorial Lecture Series, organized by The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities.

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Education Through Music: A Legacy of Edward W. Said
6:30 PM18:30

Education Through Music: A Legacy of Edward W. Said

As we mark the twentieth anniversary of Edward W. Said's death, join us for an evening panel celebrating Edward W. Said and pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim’s collaboration, the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, and the many projects that have developed since this journey began. Co-founded by Professor Said and Daniel Barenboim, the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra promotes coexistence and intercultural dialogue by bringing young Israelis, Palestinians, and Arabs together to make music. 

The panel will feature Mariam C. Said, Vice President of the Barenboim-Said Foundation (USA); Michael Barenboim, Dean of the Barenboim-Said Akademie; and musicians Miriam Manasherov and Samir Obaido; and will be moderated by Professor Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies.

This event is part of The Edward W. Said Memorial Lecture Series, organized by The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities and co-sponsored by the Department of English and Comparative Literature, the Center for Palestine Studies and the Barenboim-Said Foundation (USA).

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