March 30, 2017 Palestine Studies Issues 30-60 Issue 53 March 30, 2017 Palestine Studies Issues 30-60 Featured Editorial: the King's Illegal Journey pg: 3-6Section: Editorial Sodomy, Locusts, and Cholera: A Jerusalem Witness Author: Hadawi, Samipg: 7-27 Take My Camel: The Disappearing Camels of Jerusalem and Jaffa Author: Johnson, Pennypg: 28-41 John Whiting’s Album of the Great War in Palestine Author: Nassar, Issampg: 42-49 The Next Jerusalem: Potential Futures of the Urban Fabric Author: Chiodelli, Francescopg: 50-60 Missing Voices in Rediscovering Late Ottoman and Early British Jerusalem Author: Mazza, Robertopg: 61-71 Palestine Studies