March 28, 2017 Palestine Studies Issues 1-30 Issue 7 March 28, 2017 Palestine Studies Issues 1-30 Featured The Burden of the Past pg: 3-4Section: Editorial The Moroccan Quarter: A History of the Present Author: Abowd, Tompg: 6-16 (Re)designing the City of David: Landscape, Narrative and Archaeology in Silwan Author: Yas, Jeffreypg: 17-23 A Jerusalem Photographer: The Life and Work of Hanna Safieh Author: Nassar, Issampg: 24-28 My Memories of Khassaki Sultan or "The Flourishing Edifice" Author: Natsheh, Yusuf Sa'idpg: 29-35 The Library of the Ecole Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem Author: Dixon, Johnpg: 36-38Section: Libraries and Archives Martin Gilbert's Jerusalem Author: Sarsar, Salibapg: 39-48Section: Review Jerusalem Chronology: 1 November 1999 - 30 January 2000 pg: 49-52Section: Jerusalem Chronology View fullsize Palestine Studies