Insaniyyat | Society of Palestinian Anthropologists announces its Fall 2021 Talks. This series of meetings will be delivered in a format of seminar talks that will include a lecture and a discussion afterwards. The series will bring Insaniyyat members and other anthropologists into conversation about recent ethnographic research in/on Palestine, and beyond. Lectures will be delivered in either English or Arabic, according to the preference of each speaker. All meetings will be conducted online to allow broad participation. Interested friends from other disciplines are also welcome to join.
Updated zoom links can be found here. Write to Insaniyyat at if you would like to be in touch or if you have any questions or suggestions.
Gaza as Southern Palestine
غزة، فلسطين الجنوبية
Wednesday 8th September, 6 p.m (Palestine time) – Hadeel Assali
Abstract: In this talk, anthropologist Hadeel Assali (PhD, Anthropology, Columbia University) argues for the geographical unmapping of the Gaza Strip through both historical and ethnographic study. Rather than taking the territorial entity for granted, ethnography and history instead bring into relief a geography of Gaza that is much more broad, which Assali refers to as Southern Palestine. Dominant and even critical discourses have kept Gaza trapped in "the Gaza Strip" while focusing almost solely on Israeli techniques of domination. However, the framework of "relational place-making" allows us to center and amplify Palestinians in Gaza as active agents in shaping and reshaping the world (and the material earth) around them.
For info on how to attend this session with Hadeel Assali and to read the abstracts of future sessions, visit the link below.