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Someone please call 911 - Israel's failure to protect Palestinians and their property

The talk will review data gathered by the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din that reveals the consistent failure of the Israeli police to properly investigate these crimes.


Since it was publicly announced two years ago, a declared policy called Price Tag is threatening Palestinian life and property in the Occupied West Bank. The policy, led by the extremist settler movement, is aimed to deter Israel's policy makers from evacuating illegal outposts by collecting a "price tag" of vandalism on Palestinian property for every such action. Thus, the mere talk of a settlement freeze results in cutting down olive trees, throwing stones and even setting fire to mosques.

The Israeli law enforcement authorities fail to fulfill their legal duty, according to both international and Israeli law, to protect the life and property of Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank. 



Neta Patrick is an Israeli human rights lawyer who worked as the coordinator of the "rule of law" project in the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din. Yesh Din [Hebrew for - there is law] is a human rights organization working to achieve a long-term structural improvement in the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Moderated by Professor Katherine Franke, Professor of Law and CPS Affiliate, Columbia University.